Chris, it was such a fun experiment - not necessarily super scientific, just really practical. You can also use lemon juice to stop the browning process, but it does add a hint of sourness to the apple slices. I prefer pineapple or orange juice instead. Of course the plain old water option still amazes me!!!

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Stacey, I have to add that after I shot the photos of the soaked apple slices, I tossed them all in one container and put them in the fridge. The next day I pulled them out for a snack and I couldn’t believe that they still hadn’t turned brown - so amazing!!!

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Darlene, another home run! Thank you so much for doing all that work in the apple slices - that will serve me well for so many things! I love all of these flavors together. So good!!!

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Absolutely love the experiment you performed Darlene. Thank you. The salad looks amazing. The apple information is very valuable for many recipes 😊

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